Sunday morning at 10.00 am.


In every service, we talk about God or an aspect of Christian living based on the teaching of the Bible. This section of the service usually lasts around 30 minutes.


Most services start with vibrant,  contemporary songs of thanks to God, led by a band on the stage. You are welcome to join us as we sing our worship to God. All the words are on the screens so if want to, you can sing along. We encourage you to relax and engage at your own pace, even if that means not singing at all. 


We share Communion on alternate Sundays, during which we take bread and juice in remembrance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Sunday School is available for children aged 4-11. We also have a creche facility available with toys which the children can bring into the main room if they would like to. We are a breastfeeding-friendly church, but we understand that you may prefer a more private space, so the creche is available for feeding as well as playing. We have baby changing facilities in our toilets.


While we are singing we give our offering, because for us our giving is as much an act of worship as singing is. We do not expect guests to give, but you are welcome to if you would like to. 

Upcoming Weoley Castle Events